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VRO Tools

VRO is definitively a Visual Management System!

Wendy Bandych Arndt

When I started to deploy the first VRO in 2000, I did all the tasks by myself for over 4 months to understand exactly all the aspects of this process. I started with one supplier with no real tool in place and I soon realized that my work needed to be organized. The first tool was the VRO Sequencer that I named at that time "Supplier Pick-Up Matrix", then came along the Fax Board followed by the In-Transit Cart in order to avoid piles of faxes on my desk. The Template Cart came later when I transfered my activity to the first VRO Counter: Stephen Markidis. It was a way to give him a full autonomy and avoid having him request each day the Pick-Up Orders to be filled out. Because these tools were simple and visual, they improved my efficiency, preventing me from making mistakes. They allowed me to increase progressively the number of suppliers within VRO without any overload.

VRO Area To run VRO a specific area has to be settle-up in the Receiving Area.

Template Cart The Template Cart contains blank Pick-Up Orders.

Pick-Up Order The Pick-Up Order is the VRO order document. It is used all along the process.

VRO Board The VRO Board displays all orders faxed waiting their promise or to be checked.

OverFlow Area The Overflow contains all the material which cannot be stored in the storage area due to lack of space. It is analyzed every day.

0-0 and Discrepancies reports When your counting area is far from your Supply Chain Team, the VRO Counter can use specific reports to communicate discrepancies by fax.

Storage of the Receiving Documents The best and efficient way to store all your receiving documents with VRO or not.

Wrong location report During the counting, the VRO Counter can find mixed products or products stored at the wrong place.

VRO Sequencer The VRO Sequencer defines the daily agenda of the Counter.

Counting KOSU Measuring the Counter's activities is the best way to improve physical flows.

Faxes Faxes are used to transmit the Pick-Up Order to Suppliers.

In-Transit Cart In-Transit Cart contains all orders promised by Suppliers but not yet received.

Discrepancies Board The Discrepancies Board displays all promises and receipts discrepancies.

Pick-Up Order Receipt Receiving material using VRO is a critical task having a direct impact on the integrity of the system. Here are all the rules to be respected.

Counting methods Best advices from Steve Markidis to reduce the Counting KOSU.

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