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Storage of the Receiving Documents

Store documents related to the activity of reception is always a nightmare. What is the best and most effective way to be sure that for "the D day ", you will be able to find your document in less than a minute?

Use a file cabinet with a folder per supplier. Folders have to be sorted by suppliers alphabetic order.

In a supplier folder sort the documents per date of arrival, the newest in the front.

For a delivery, the list of documents has to be organized like the following:

  • On the top: the supplier's delivery note;
  • behind: the Pick-Up Order sent by the supplier with the material and checked by the driver at the point of pick-up;
  • the Promise (on blue paper);
  • the transmission report (on yellow paper);
  • initial Pick-Up Order.

Never use binder, heavy to manipulate and requiring to punch all documents (labor intensive).

After a given period you can store directly your folder in an archiving box with no further manipulation.

Carola Donovan

In this movie, Carola Donovan explains the process. At the time when the movie was made, the transmission report on yellow paper was not used yet.

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Who has to gather all the documents linked to a receipt?
When these documents have to be archived?

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