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Eliminating TST based on production hours

Production down time can be used to absorb TST

When a production line is running less than 24h, you can use its production down time to eliminate or reduce the TST by changing the arrival time.

TST <= Down Time

If your TST is shorter than your production down time, you can schedule your arrival time during your down time. You just need to have at least the value of your TST between your arrival time and the start of your production.

TST > Down Time

In this case your TST can be only reduced by the value of your down time. Like in the previous case, you just need to have at least the value of your initial TST between your arrival time and the start of your production. Your arrival time will be during production hours.


  • In the first case, your TST is eliminated so your loop and your inventory are reduced by the value of your initial TST.
  • In the second case, your TST is reduced by your down time, so your loop and your inventory are reduced by the value of your initial TST minus down time.

TST calculation The best way to calculate a TST is to analyse the history of transportation arrival time.

Safety Transit Time (STT) Safety Transit Time impact the transportation route or/and its transit time.

Delivery Safety Time (DST) Delivery Safety Time has to cover the maximum delay of an order.

Learn more...

Transportation Safety Time Transportation Safety Time (TST) has to be known to insure a good sizing of the VRO loop.

Using TST for weather events A classical example used by a lot of companies during winter.

Eliminating TST based on receiving hours An analysis of truck arrivals and receiving schedule may help to optimize your TST.

Optimizing TST of a 3740 km milkrun A real example showing how you can optimize the TST and its cost.

TST : Think globaly You may not need to secure your transportation if you are the only one to do it!

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