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Advance Card

You want to build an inventory in order to stop production for a period of time. An easy solution is to use Advance Cards. Progressivly, you switch regular Cards in the KANBAN inventory by these Advance Cards and put them in their Batch Building Box associated. The material identifies with an Advance Card cannot be consummed before the end of the stop. When the production re-start, an Advance Card consummed does not go to the Launcher.
Of course these Card are managed by the person responsible of the KANBAN system.

An Advance Card cannot be found outside of the KANBAN inventory: nor in a Batch Building Box or Launcher.

Advance Card layout

An Advance Card has to contain:

  • the reference;
  • the quantity related to the card;
  • the date when it can be consummed.

Loop Update Card Loop Update Cards are used to replace extra KANBAN Cards after a Loop decrease.

Managing exceptions Your loop has suddenly decreased and your inventory is higher than the new loop or you want to build an inventory bank. Our methods to be used in these cases.

Overflow area The overflow area is dedicated to store all the material found without a dedicated location or card.

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