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Emergency Pick-Up Order

An Emergency Pick-Up Order like an Additional has to be used for exception only. In this case, pick-up and transportation schedule are not the regular one.

You can use an Emergency Pick-Up Order to replace defective material received, to order what cannot be loaded in a regular truck (space or weight constraint). Like all exceptional process, you have to manage it very carefully, specially in case of critical situation. A specific area is dedicated to the transportation tracking to be sure that you will be able to "stay in touch" with your load.

An Emergency Pick-Up Order is managed by the VRO Champion upon request. It is not sent without having previously contacted your Supplier to agree about parts, quantities, pick-up time and eventually carrier. When these information are defined, as a Regular Pick-Up Order, an Emergency Pick-Up Order is faxed to the Supplier at a time agreed with it. The Supplier has to fax back the Promise at a time also previously defined. This is the best way to formalize what is generally done in a hurry with the risk that one party misunderstood critical information or its duties and responsabilities.

Like an Additional Pick-Up Order, the Temporary Loop Increase has to be used to manage them.


Gina Mastrosimone

Gina Mastrosimone summarizes the use of an Emergency Pick-Up Order.

Standard documents

Regular Pick-Up Order To order based on regular VRO process.

Pick-Up Order The Pick-Up Order is the VRO order document. It is used all along the process.

Additional Pick-Up Order To order extra material with a regular pick-up.

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